Shekila Cole (2018-2019)
Dear Chapter Members, Colleagues, and Friends -
Welcome to the Montgomery County Chapter (MCC) of the Public Sector Human Resources Association (PSHRA). One of my favorite quotes is “Be the change you want to see in this world” and that’s one of the reasons that I decided to run for President this year. I am honored to serve as Chapter President for 2018-2019 and I’m very fortunate to have many talented and passionate people serving on our Executive Board this year. Each person brings a unique community perspective and set of skills that will help achieve our goals in 2018 and beyond. This year’s Board members include: Lori Thompson, Lucy Wang, Rodrigo Martinez, Mark Smith, Viki Berendt, Darla Hayes, Rhonda Edwards, Lucy Puckett, Kenneth Dugger and Meschelle Young.
Our Chapter’s Vision is to enhance the sustainability of the Montgomery Chapter by creating an innovative, engaged, and career developed community of professionals.
As President I plan to set forth and accomplish 3 strategic goals. #1. Improve membership engagement. I plan to increase our membership base by 30%. As we know, our members are our greatest asset and the ‘bloodline’ of this organization and that’s why I will focus our efforts on expanding membership and membership engagement. #2. Improve knowledge management. This entails streamlining some business processes and the transfer and sharing of information. #3. Continue to inspire innovation through our social media platforms and make it visible through our hosted programs and events. The only caveat is that we must have fun while doing it!
The Montgomery County Chapter hosts a variety of events throughout the year to help you learn, meet other professionals and grow your career. As an active member for over 7 years, I can attest to the value of being apart of PSHRA MCC. I encourage members to renew and if you aren’t already an PSHRA MCC member, please consider joining. If you are interested in furthering your public service career through: professional development activities, networking opportunities, social events, industry training seminars, and charity events… then PSHRA MCC is for you! There will be ample opportunity to serve on various committees too. PSHRA MCC will be forming committees in the following areas: Awards, Charity, Membership, Training forum, and Programs. We will be recruiting for members to join one of our many committees soon. However, if anyone expresses an interest in serving on one of the PSHRA MCC Committees beforehand please email us directly at ipma.hr.mcc@gmail.com.
To stay connected and get involved explore our website and follow us on Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/ipmamcc.mdchapter Instagram @ https://www.instagram.com/ipma.hr.mcc/ and our Twitter @ https://twitter.com/IPMA_HR_MCC It’s going to be an exciting year so stay tuned for more details.
Shekila Cole
Messages from Past Presidents
Lori Thompson (2017-2018)
Dear Chapter Members and Friends,
As I begin the 2017-2018 board year as the Public Sector Human Resources Association (PSHRA) President, Montgomery County Chapter, I am filled with anticipation and hope for a year of “Giving Back to our Community.” The Montgomery County Chapter has always been recognized as one that hosts top-notch programs for our members to learn, grow and network; knocks it out of the park with a yearly training and development forum; and hits a grand slam with charity drives.
I’m very excited to be joining this year’s board members. The board is a mixture of those with many years of PSHRA experience and new members both to the board and to the PSHRA organization. What an amazing opportunity this gives us to share our past experiences and lessons learned with those who do not share those same experiences yet come with their own new ideas. Board members include: Gib Johnson, Jennifer Wood, Rhonda Edwards, Shekila Cole, Rodrigo Martinez, Viktoria Zelenak Berendt, Darla Hayes, Lynne Dupree Kartsakalis, Michael Moody, Kathryn Singhaus, and Lucy Wang.
This year’s theme of “Giving Back to our Community” will create hope for those in our community who can benefit from what our organization provides. By adopting those in need we are able to not only provide them with basic necessities, but we can also show them what our organization can provide through teaching and mentoring.
We will continue our efforts to partner with local, state, and federal agencies to expand our membership. What a great way to incorporate new ways of doing business in the Human Resources arena! There are so many great ideas and lessons learned that we can be harnessing instead of reinventing the wheel.
For those who are not familiar with the purpose of our local PSHRA chapter, our chapter goals are to (a) to sponsor forums, conferences and related educational programs in the field of human resources management and public administration; (b) to implement the objectives and programs of the PSHRA within the Chapter area; (c) to explain and interpret the objectives and methods of human resources management to the general public, civic groups, government officials and employees; and (d) to encourage and facilitate cooperative action among public jurisdictions and private employees within the Chapter area human resource matters of mutual concern.
The next year will also bring the excitement of hosting the 2018 Eastern Region Conference in Baltimore, Maryland. What an amazing opportunity to show off what our great city of Baltimore has to offer!
If you aren’t already an PSHRA member, please consider joining! Visit us on our chapter website, Facebook, and LinkedIn pages. And while you are visiting us, check out our committees and volunteer!
Hang on tight – it’s going to be an exciting year ahead!
Lori Thompson, 2017-2018 Chapter President
Message From The President